Ultraviolet (UV) and Infrared (IR) light are invisible to human eyes. Despite being invisible, UV is useful because it makes some materials fluoresce, or give off visible light. They both are simple and effective in counterfeit and reprint detection. Both UV and IR lights help you better identify and authenticate genuine, fake, forged, reprinted and altered items such as legal documents, artwork, collectibles, currency and more. The basic tools you will need to detect subtle changes to the original document, work of art or collectible.
1 UltraLite Handle
1 Power Supply (90-240 VAC)
1 Battery Charger
3 Rechargeable Battery Packs
1 Pair of Amber Glasses
1 Ultraviolet (UV) Head
1 Infrared (IR) Head
1 UltraLite ALS Case with die-cut foam (not shown)
*IR Goggles or Device not included